Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Multicam Clip Player & Content

A couple of months ago I had the idea of being able to better manipulate time and space within video so we set up a shoot using an array of 10 small cameras roughly forming a semicircle and shot some content of whatever we could get our hands on. This turned out to be flour in water, paper cups, human dancers, a squid in a fishbowl among others. It brought out some really interesting textures which I'll post up when I'm finished working with the data however we do have a custom flash application for delivering the software. At this point it draws on a relatively large library of frames so it's not practical to put the flash file up, but I do have video of it in action which you can find here

for the record this project was developed by
Michael Glen
Kav Singh Brar (special mention for the mega actionscripting)
Robert Jordan